Facilities Management

We help with your return on investment, cut costs, training and improve staff productivity. We digitize space and revolutionize the way you manage your facilities. Replace long manual measurements with a fast and accurate 3D scan and much more – plus a point cloud or OBJ that you can import directly into your BIM software.




3D Virtual Tour
Up 2000 SF

$50 for each additional 1000 SF

Other services

Real Estate, Commercial & Business

Have the best all-in-one data platform 24/7 services in your hands. With our 3D virtual tour, prospective customers can do their own walkthrough of your properties from anytime, anywhere, generating higher engagement and interest.

Architects Engineers Contractors (AEC)

We help you to Capture 3D data of your project with all details and measures, also we can share and export the point cloud to Autodesk ReCap® or Revit®..